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Writer's pictureChassidy

Affirmations for Self-Healing

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

During my healing journey, I have tried different therapeutic avenues to help me overcome trauma, insecurities, and support my growth. Before we dive deep into things, let's be clear, I am still healing and on this beautiful journey. I am so grateful that God chose me to experience the trials and weather the storms he gave me. I am able to be appreciative because I know that my pain has purpose. God has been preparing me and building me up by allowing me to experience certain things. I can proudly use the term RESILIENT when I refer to myself. Thank you God.

Affirmations have become such a huge sentimental part of my daily routine. I love the Mantra "You are what you think, and what you think you become!" We have to pour into ourselves daily and build our own self esteem. How can we expect someone else to respect us, love us, or appreciate us if we aren't doing it for ourselves? I know it is easier said than done, but let's be real, everyone deals with their own insecurities. Someone can look at me and say that I am beautiful, I have a nice body, smile and etc. but that doesn't necessarily mean that I feel the same. While healing from past relationships, I did not feel too beautiful. My self-esteem was low, and to top it off, I was still holding on to childhood trauma relating to self-confidence. But here we are now. I am confident, I love myself more than anything. I know I am beautiful, and an amazing high caliber woman- HUMBLY! lol By the grace of God, the more I consistently practiced my affirmations and self-care, and healed, I can say this confidently! So, let's get into some affirmations that I use daily!

Happy Healing Loves!


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